The sapphire to royal blue double blossoms cover the flower spikes of Delphinium 'Royal Aspirations.' These gorgeous perennials are vigorous with strong stems, perfect for large bouquets. One of the New Millenniumâ„¢ series, this Delphinium is bred for improved tolerance to heat and humidity.
- Height: 1.2-1.5 m (4-5 ft)
- Spread: 45-61 cm (18-24 in)
- Cold Hardiness: Zone 4-8
- Sun or Shade: full sun
- Bloom Time: June to July
- Leaf Colour: green
- Bloom Colour: blue
- Nature Attraction: bees
Growing and Maintenance Tips
Delphiniums generally thrive in cooler climates so avoid planting where it is extremely hot and sun baked. They grow best in rich, well-drained soil with a basic pH. If your soil is naturally acidic, adding lime will help to provide these conditions. They are also heavy feeders. The addition of compost or manure to the soil will result in healthier, stronger plants.
Delphiniums can be grown in full sun or partial shade. Good air circulation may help to prevent powdery mildew. When planting, be sure to set the crown at or above soil level to avoid rot. Since their stems are hollow, taller varieties of Delphiniums should be staked to prevent damage from wind and rain. These new hybrids tend to be longer lived than their short-lived cousins but may be propagated from basal cuttings.