Abies koreana Silver Show

Available early May

Abies koreana Silver Show

Silver Korean Fir

Abies koreana 'Silver Show' is a slow growing, upright, small tree form of Korean fir. The two-toned needles of Abies koreana ‘Silver Show’ are so tightly curled that the shoots are almost cylindrical, exposing the extremely white undersides completely. The result is a silver-white element in the garden. The contrasting dark purple cones stand out against the foliage. Showy colour and special texture abound.



  • Height: 2.4-3.7 m (8-12 ft)
  • Spread: 1.8-2.4 m (6-8ft)
  • Cold Hardiness: Zone 4-8
  • Sun or Shade: sun to partial shade
  • Foliage Colour: silver white
  • Shape: broad upright

Growing and Maintenance Tips

Korean firs are generally very low-maintenance trees, especially once they are established in the landscape. It is important to start them off right, planting them in a spot that has good drainage and preferably rich, acidic soil. Our Korean Fir is planted in morning sun in a protected site and it is thriving. Avoid hot, sun baked sites.