Rosa 49th Parallel Chinook SunriseĀ®
Rosa Chinook Sunrise photo Vineland Nursery

Landscape Rose

Chinook SunriseĀ® burst on the scene in 2019 with a continuous bloom of exotic coral colours and was a 2020 Gold Medal Winner at the International Rose Trials in Nyon, Switzerland. Apricot buds open to semi-double 5-7.5 cm bright coral-pink blossoms that lighten to create a kaleidoscope of shades from June until frost. It is black spot resistant and has demonstrated excellent winter hardiness across Canada.

Growing and Maintenance Tips

Roses prefer moist, well drained, slightly acidic soils but are known to be quite adaptable to soils except for very wet areas.  Prune in spring, cutting back to just above large buds. Plant in full sun with good air circulation for best performance. Deadheading  will promote more continuous bloom.

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