Sedum Tiramisu
Sedum 'Tiramisu' photo courtesy of Walters Gardens


Tiramisu' is an upright sedum that is part of the ROCK 'N GROW collection. It displays many colours over the growing season. Through most of the summer, bronze leaves form a wide, dome-shaped habit. In late summer to early fall, tiny clusters of blush pink buds open to cream flowers. 'Tiramisu' passed  stringent multi-year trials by maintaining its beautiful shape all the way to the end of the season. Tall, upright sedums form substantial clumps of foliage which can be substituted for shrubs in the landscape. Their stout, sturdy stems support the massive flower heads which develop in summer and burst into bloom in fall. If left standing, they provide winter interest and food for birds.

Growing and Maintenance Tips

Sedums are "plant and forget" perennials. Because of their ability to store water in their thick succulent leaves they are very drought tolerant. They do well in average well drained soil in full sun to light shade. Do not add extra organic material because this will make the plants open and floppy.

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