Salvia nemerosa Bumbleberry
Salvia nemerosa 'Bumbleberry' photo courtesy of Walters Gardens

Perennial Salvia, Garden Sage

If you walk trhough the garden when Salvia is in bloom, you know that bumblebees, butterflies and other pollinators swarm to this perennial in droves. 'Bumbleberry' produces dark fuchsia pink flowers on dark wine purple calyxes on a small plant with attractive deep green foliage. The deep, intense color makes other pink Salvias pale in comparison. This small plant is perfect for use as an edger.

Growing and Maintenance Tips

Salvia ia an easy perennial to grow in most gardens. It likes full sun and is quite drought tolerant. Deadheading the spent flowers will encourage rebloom from the side shoots. When all bloom is finished cut it to the basal rosette. It will often bloom again although not as prolifically.

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