Perovskia Denim 'n Lace
Perovskia 'Denim 'n Lace' photo courtesy of Walters Gardens

Russian Sage

'Denim 'n Lace' is an improvement on older varieties of Perovskia. It stays very compact, has stonger stems and maintains a very upright habit. It has lacy-like bright sky blue flowers that are held on amethyst calyxes giving it a very full look. When the flowers are gone, the seed heads provide sparkling silver-grey accents to the green foliage. All Russian Sages are deer resistant and very tolerant of drought and heat making them excellent choices for low maintenance gardens.

Growing and Maintenance Tips

This is the ideal plant for hot, dry situations! Russian Sage is classified as a subshrub or woody perennial. It performs very well in full sun and any well-drained soil. Average to dry moisture levels are ideal, and few pests bother this plant. If pruning is necessary, do so in Spring when new growth appears. At that time prune back to just above the lowest bud.

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