Allium Windy City
Allium 'Windy City' photo Monrovia Doreen Wynja

Ornamental Onion

Thin dark-green leaves of 'Windy City'  provide a dramatic backdrop for lavender-purple flower clusters on strong, dark stems. The spent flowers persist for winter interest, but are near-sterile, setting very little seed. This particularly compact variety is perfect for small spaces. It is a lovely cut flower, fresh or dried and a magnet for pollinators. 

Growing and Maintenance Tips

Alliums are low maintenance, reliable perennials that will attract pollinators. They are easy to grow in average, dry to medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. They  perform best in full sun but will tolerate some light afternoon shade. Alliums generally tolerate a wide range of soils including sandy soils but will not grow well in heavy clay. This allium is a true bulb on a stout rhizome that forms a clump which can be lifted and divided in either spring or fall. 

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