Dianthus Paint the Town Magenta
Dianthus 'Paint the Town Magenta' photo courtesy of Walters Gardens

'Paint the Town Magenta' is a brand new type of Dianthus for Proven Winners®! These varieties have been bred for their vibrant colours and increased heat tolerance. ‘Paint the Town Magenta’ is one of the earliest Dianthus to bloom, producing big, single vibrant magenta pink flowers with very serrated petals. The flowers completely cover the plant when it’s in peak bloom. Its glaucous blue foliage sets it apart from other Dianthus of its type. Flowers appear in early summer, and a quick shearing after flowering will encourage them to rebloom in early fall. This is the perfect size to edge the front of the sunny border and use in combination containers.

Growing and Maintenance Tips

Dianthus grow best in full sun in loose, fertile well drained soil with a neutral to slightly alkaline pH and even moisture. Adding a little grit to the soil will improve drainage because excessive moisture can kill the plants. Dianthus can handle short periods of dryness but watering is necessary during drought. Dead heading regularly will encourage repeat bloom and keep the plants looking attractive. After the first flush of bloom cut all the spent flower stems down to encourage another flush of bloom later in the summer. The foliage is evergreen in our area so a spring trim is necessary to clean up winter damage

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